Baanhn Beli is a phrase used in the Sindhi, Seraiki and Punjabi languages to say that someone is "a friend forever." Literally, however, the world "Baanhn Beli" means hand or arm and the work "Beli" means "Friend" so that a more direct expression of the phrase "Baanhn Beli" could be said to be "a helping hand". On balance, as the two possible meanings are very close to each other, we prefer to use "a friend fore ever" as the more descriptive interpretation of the phrase.
Our Vision:
To help build a society in Pakistan that ensures justice, gender equity, economic betterment and truly representative democracy by facilitating a tolerant and enlightened environment, which enables the pursuit of harmony with nature and excellence in human creativity and conduct.
Our Mission:
To help establish new or strengthen existing community-based organizations which enable equitable participation by all members of the community, specially girls and women in activities that promote better health, education, access to basic services and other such relevant processes with the aim of enhancing knowledge, capacity and productivity.
Our Guiding Principles
1. Reach out to bring people together.
2. Do voluntary service — even at the expense of personal convenience.
3. Bridge the rural-urban divide.
4. Concentrate on remote areas without modern infrastructure because these areas
deserve the most attention.
5. Work for the most disadvantaged groups.
6. Avoid handouts, except in extreme emergencies or special cases.
9. Keep accurate financial records that are regularly audited by external,
independent specialists.
10. Prioritize the advancement of women and children while supporting the
betterment of poor and dispossessed men.
11. Co-operate with all other relevant institutions: do not compete with them.
12. Respect traditional knowledge, non – discriminatory values and culture even as
contemporary information and skills are enhanced and exchanged.
13. Transcend all differences of race, caste, gender, religion and language.
Legal Status
Baanhn Beli is a pioneer non-governmental organization (NGO), registered with the Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Sindh under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961), Registration No DSW (S) 752 on December 3, 1987.